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Real Estate Appraisers matching your search criteria in "Kentucky"

Search Results: 16 Appraiser(s) were found matching the search criteria you had selected. Advanced Search

Company Name

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Galloway Appraisal Louisville, KY 40223 Ph: 502-589-4976
Appraiser: Keith Lewis Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-585-3778
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Bullitt, Henry, Meade, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble.
For appraisals outside Jefferson and Oldham counties add $50 to the fee. This is due to the those counties not being online and a visit to the courthouse is needed in order to complete the appraisal.

Watson Appraisals, LLC Louisville, KY 40207 Ph: 502-509-2389
Appraiser: Doug Watson, RAA, GRI Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 800-754-9783
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Nelson, Bullitt, Spencer, Oldham, Henry, Shelby
Watson Appraisals offers a full range of appraisal services, including 1-4 family residential and vacant land. NOTE: Work performed outside of Jefferson County subject to additional fees. Please call or e-mail for a quote today!

Alliant Appraisers New Albany, IN 47150 Ph: 502-216-7079
Appraiser: Rob Bitner Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 812-948-9543
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Bullitt, Oldham, Spencer, Shelby

Farm & Home Appraisal Services, LLC Utica, KY 42376 Ph: 270-993-3103
Appraiser: Desiree C. Hatfield Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 775-418-6943
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Daviess, Hancock, McLean, Ohio
Prices quoted are for Daviess County only. Please call for price quotes for Hancock, McLean and Ohio counties.

Joseph F. Marks Appraisals Louisville, KY 40056 Ph: 502-291-0182
Appraiser: Joe Marks Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-969-4160
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Oldham, Bullitt, Shelby, Spencer, Henry, Trimble, Nelson, Meade, Hardin
Residential appraisals in a wide area ( 9 counties )surrounding Jefferson county, in Kentucky. 30 Years experience in this area. Both desk and field review services available.

Zink Appraisal Services, Inc. Georgetown, IN 47122 Ph: 502-777-2929
Appraiser: Geoffery Zink Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 812-923-1090
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, Bullitt, Henry
Professional appraisal services in and around the Louisville metro area. I have over 15 years appraisal experience in single family, condominium, multi-family, vacant land, divorce cases, & tax reduction cases. I am also licensed in Indiana and serve Floyd, Clark, Harrison, and Washington counties

Affordable Appraisals, LLC New Albany, IN 47151 Ph: 502-212-1572
Appraiser: Pedro Garcia Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-526-5631
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jeffersonville, Bullitt, Henry, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby & Spencer
Affordable Appraisals is an innovative company in the real estate market. Specializing in a wide range of residential appraisal, small commercial appraisal and consultation services.ERC, Multi-Family, Tax and Estate cases, Small income, Field and Desk reviews, Land, Unique properties and REO.

CEVCORP Appraisals Louisville, KY 40257 Ph: 502-410-0002
Appraiser: Charles E. Volk Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-410-0003
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Shelby, Oldham, Fayette, Franklin
Thank you for your interest in CEVCORP Appraisals. We are a local residential appraisal company covering the Louisville and Lexington Metro Areas. We have over six years of residential appraisal experience. Prompt SchedulingFast, Efficient Service (24-48 hour turn time)and FHA Approved.

JP Blankenship Appraisal Co Bowling Green, KY 42102 Ph: 270-618-5500
Appraiser: Jenny P Blankenship Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 270-618-5501
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Warren, Allen, Barren
We are FHA, RHS, and KHC, approved.
We are also HQS certified.

Rebecca Winn Appraisals Louisville, KY 40205 Ph: 502-445-6244
Appraiser: Rebecca Winn Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 502-479-5974
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Jefferson, Oldham, Bullitt, Shelby, Spencer
Residential appraisal services with prompt personal contact. Turn-around time is usually 24-36 hours after inspection of property.

 Matching records: 16
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