US Appraiser Search
A directory of Real Estate Appraisers in all 50 states!

Real Estate Appraisers matching your search criteria in "Indiana"

Search Results: 19 Appraiser(s) were found matching the search criteria you had selected. Advanced Search

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Accurate Commercial Appraisal Ltd. Glen Ellyn, IN 60137 Ph: 630-790-1390
Appraiser: John Olson Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 630-790-1755
Services Provided:
Counties Covered: Lake, Porter, La Porte, St. Joseph, Elkhart, Lagrange, Steuben, Noble, De kalb Kosciusko, Marshal, Starke, Pulaski, Jasper, Newton, Marion, Boone, Hamilton, Madison, Hendricks, Hancock, Shelby, Johnson, Morgan, Posey, Gibson, Knox, Pike, Davis, Martin, Orange, Dupois, Warrick, Vanderburg, Spencer, Perry
Summary, Self Contained, Restricted Reports, Allocation of Going Concern Values, Partition Suits, Partial interests, Feasibility analysis, Rent Studies Market Values. As Is and As Complete and As Stabilzied Values

Smith Realty & Appraisal West Lebanon, IN 47991 Ph: 765-893-4392
Appraiser: Kenneth J. Smith Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 765-893-4172
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial Relocation
Counties Covered: Benton, Tippecanoe, Warren, Fountain
25 years experience with all types of appraisal.There are no trainees.Normal turn-around time is 3 days.

Accent consulting Indianapolis, IN 46226 Ph: 317 546 3009
Appraiser: Brenda Stephens Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 317 405 9729
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial FHA
Counties Covered: Marion, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Madison, Shelby , Boone, Hendricks
Provide full appraisals, exterior, inspections, property management and other real estate services

Alliant Appraisers New Albany, IN 47150 Ph: 502-216-7079
Appraiser: Rob Bitner Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 812-948-9543
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial
Counties Covered: Floyd, Harrison, Clark, Crawford, Scott, Washington

Knight Appraisal Services Fishers, IN 46037 Ph: 317-435-6769
Appraiser: Paul Knight Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 317-577-3791
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Hamilton, Marion, Madison, Hancock, Shelby, Johnson, Morgan, Hendricks, Boone
We are a leading provider of real estate appraisal services for central Indiana. With many years of experience, our appraisers have a proven track record of reducing lenders time, efforts and costs in managing the appraisal process. Short Turn-Around Times Highest-Quality Appraisal Reports On-line Status Reports Electronic Ordering and Delivery Competitive Pricing

Appraisal Services Pekin, IN 47165 Ph: 812-967-6000
Appraiser: Fred J Ramoni Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 812-967-6001
Services Provided: Residential FHA VA
Counties Covered: Scott, Washington, Clark, FLoyd, Harrison, Jefferson
Timely Real Property valuations in the Southern Indiana market by Indiana Certified Residential Appraiser with over 15 years experience. Providing FHA, VA and Conventioanl style reports.

Zink Appraisal Services, Inc. Georgetown, IN 47122 Ph: 502-777-2929
Appraiser: Geoffery Zink Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 812-923-1090
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Washington
Professional appraisal services in and around New Albany, Jeffersonville, & Clarksville area. I have over 15 years appraisal experience in single family, condominium, multi-family, vacant land, divorce cases, & tax reduction cases. I am also licensed in Kentucky & serve the metro Louisville area.

Lough Real Estate Appraisal Services Indianapolis, IN 46204 Ph: 317-979-9333
Appraiser: Michael A. Lough Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 888-220-6214
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial Relocation
Counties Covered: Commercial coverage includes all of Indiana and Residential coverage includes the Indianapolis Metro Area
Welcome to Lough Real Estate Appraisal Service!Valuations have been performed on various property types, including, but not limited to retail, office, industrial, vacant land, residential, multi-fam buildings, and right-of-way reports.

RealData Appraisals Bargersville, IN 46106 Ph: 866-457-9781
Appraiser: D. Bradley Jones, MRA Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 317-422-9727
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Boone, Brown, Bartholomew, Decatur, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Monroe, Morgan, Owen, Putnam, Shelby
"Don't get caught with your VALUE down. Place your residential apppraisal order today. REALDATA has a well trained staff with over 10 years of valuation experience in the central Indiana market. Professional, Ethical, Accurate.

Real Estate: Valuations, Sales, & Consulting LLC Greenwood, IN 46143 Ph: 317-650-1312
Appraiser: Nicholas White Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 317-721-8258
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Johnson, Marion, Hendricks, Hancock, Hamilton, Morgan, Shelby, Monroe, Bartholomew, Brown, Clinton, Tipton, Boone, Rush, Henry, Madison

 Matching records: 19
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