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Real Estate Appraisers matching your search criteria in "Connecticut"

Search Results: 66 Appraiser(s) were found matching the search criteria you had selected. Advanced Search

Company Name

City, State & Zip Code


L & L Appraisals Inc Branford, CT 06405 Ph: 203-488-0317
Appraiser: Michal Lerman Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 203-488-0317
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland

ValueQuest Appraisal Meriden, CT 06451 Ph: 203-675-6902
Appraiser: Rob Clermont Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 999-999-9999
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland, Windham
We cover every County in Connecticut. 3 business day or less turn around time. Over 24 years of experience. We offer a variety of appraisal services including: Expert Witness testimony, Forensic review appraisals, Bankruptcy, and Divorce. Credit and debit cards accepted.

Renee Healion Appraisals & CT Appraisal Review Willimantic, CT 06226 Ph: 877-684-3004
Appraiser: Renee Healion, SRA, ASA Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 877-684-3004
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: New London, Tolland, Windham, contiguous parts of Middlesex and Hartford
Full service residential appraisal firm established
1991.Services performed for institutions and individuals:
historic residence properties,appraisal review, expert
testimony, divorce, ERC employee relocation, REO, FHA.

CadoreAppraisal Group LLC Seymour, CT 06483 Ph: 203-888-4499
Appraiser: Daniela E Baines Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 203-888-9262
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: New Haven,Fairfield,New London,Middlesex,Windham,Litchfield,Tolland
Reliable, professional service ,turn around time 24-48 hours after inspection ,

Ray Lima, Appraiser Colchester, CT 06415 Ph: 860-537-8232
Appraiser: Ray Lima Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 860-537-8231
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA
Counties Covered: Hartford, Tolland, Windham, New London, Middlesex
I run a full service residential appraisal company that offers superior personal service to my customers. I have over 20 years experience appraising all types of unique properties.

On-Time Appraisal Solutions Highland Mills , NY 10930 Ph: 845-774-7072
Appraiser: Simcha Diamant Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 845-774-7072
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Relocation FHA VA
Counties Covered: Entire state of CT, NJ, NY, RI and MA
Many years of experience in performing professional, high-quality and accurate appraisal reports for banks and lenders, backed up by our supreme expertise and knowledge of the residential real estate mortgage business, and advanced appraisal software technology.

Barbara R. Herman, MBA Fairfield, CT 06824 Ph: 203-255-1577
Appraiser: Barbara Herman Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 203-256-9079
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family
Counties Covered: Fairfield, New Haven
I have appraised numerous Residential properties in Connecticut since 1987, and can provide the in-depth experience to get an assignment done thoroughly, accurately and professionally. I offer the personal attention of a truly Independent Fee Appraiser, rather than an ?Associate? member of a firm.

Yankee Appraisal Group, LLC Naugatuck, CT 06770 Ph: 203-910-2843
Appraiser: Lisa Holman Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 203-573-9459
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: New Haven, Fairfield, Middlesex, Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland, Windham, New London
We do 1-4 Family Real Estate Appraisals all over the state of CT. We are also FHA certified! Please visit our website for more information and to order an appraisal! Looking forward to doing business with you!

Central CT Appraisal Portland, CT 06480 Ph: 860-794-2185
Appraiser: Rose Aletta Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: 860-342-5163
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family FHA
Counties Covered: Middlesex, Hartford, New Haven
Specializing in Residential Appraisals, FHA qualified, single family ,condo or multi-family 2-4 units. Completed appraisal delivered electronically 48-72 hours after inspection. Covering, Middlesex, Hartford, New Haven counties. See web site for fee schedule

Greenwich/Stamford Appraisal, LLC Stamford, CT 06903 Ph: 203-609-0576
Appraiser: Paul R. Isolda Email - Website - Full Listing & Fees Fax: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Services Provided: Residential 2-4 Family Commercial Relocation
Counties Covered: Fairfield
I have been appraising in Fairfield County since 1988
and teaching local appraisal classes since 1997. I have
a partner with a general certification who works with me
on commercial properties. Personally, I specialize in
high-end residential properties in lower Fairfield

 Matching records: 66
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